If you want to find out what’s been added since the last time you were here, this chronological list of changes might be useful.
Wall hanging Fractal
9/20/2020 Added: Moral Agenda and Political Action pages
Added more 2019 Music: The Resistance Overture, Lament and Satieesque
Added consciousness poster used at the June 2019 Science of Consciousness conference in Interlochen Switzerland
3/4/19 Added the Consciousness Studies page with reference to the book The Origin of Consciousness and including the abstract submitted to the program committee of the Science of Consciousness conference.
1/22/19 Two more music compositions: Fuguette in F and 2 Part Invention #5 (one of the best so far).Goto the Music page.
1/20/19 A new page for poetry with a lot of material to come. The first item is the unusual 27,000 Haiku Poems. Go to the Poemitry page
12/29/18 Another three music compositions: Fuguette in C Trio for Flute, Oboe and Bassoon, MZ2 another trio also for Flute, Oboe and Bassoon, and finally a choral piece titled "Love what you love" based on the Mary Oliver poem "Wild Geese." Goto the Music page.
11/1/18 Three new music compositions: Variations on Simple Gifts, a Trio for Flue, Oboe and Cello and a funny piece, Habitou. Check them out on the Music page.
9/9/18 Final versions of Sonata for Cello and Piano Movements #1 and #2 posted on the Music page. These replace slightly earlier versions.
8/27/18 Added the second movement of the Sonata for Cello and Piano on the Music page
8/26/18 Enlarged and added captions to the cartoons where the words were hard to read. And placed cartoons on a separate page: Cartoons Added two new cartoons below "Salt-Pepper-Bacteria."
8/25/18 Added 15 new fractals -and created Fractal Page 2
8/19/18 First posting of the site with announcement on FB.